2 years of A-MORE
On November 15 Camilla will celebrate the first 2 years of A-MORE.
Yes the first ones, because there will be others for birthdays. Camilla is increasingly determined to grow and believe in her dream which has now materialized as a real work project.
The days when she had invaded the cellar of the house with boxes and packed with dedication and enthusiasm the first orders that she sent to people who began to believe in her and in her dreams seem long gone.
Two years have flown by but if you look back, many events have taken place including 2 changes of office and warehouse, and finally the landing in Spain.
It's not just Camilla's party, it's all of us' birthday!
Camilla tells us: “Even after two years, your continued support always seems incredible and moving, for which I would like to thank you every minute. Feeling understood and appreciated fills me with LOVE and I would like you to feel like this every day too.”
Thanks also to Camilla's collaborators who help her realize many aspects of her work every day.
Congratulations again to all * and thanks for always being there!
Do you want a slice of cake?

1 comment
A-MORE! Io letteralmente innamorata di tutte le creazioni di Cami. Questo è uno dei team migliori che ci possano essere, cordiale, gentile e sempre disponibile. Tutto quello che fanno, lo fanno con A-MORE! Sono letteralmente innamorata dei loro occhiali DIVA. Non c’è un giorno in cui non li indosso, e non c’è un giorno in cui non mi fanno i complimenti per quanto sono belli! Tanti auguri A-MORE, a tanti altri anni, giorni e domeniche in cui devo fare una corsa per comprare le mie cose preferite sul sito! Cami complimenti a te e al tuo fantastico team! Con A-MORE. Meri