Decorating the tree at home or outside is a tradition that has been handed down since ancient times and that still today brings the family together in preparation. Every Christmas tree, small or large, enriches and beautifies the room and it's nice to group the gifts under it that will be unwrapped with emotion on Christmas day.
As per tradition, on 8 December Camilla also made the Christmas tree and decorated the house for the holidays with lights, decorations and a Nativity scene. This year he has chosen red and gold balls and clearly lights for his tree, almost a classic. Camilla also added Candy Canes as decorations which, thanks to their sweetness and their colors, are now a symbol of the Christmas period.
Camilla likes Candy Canes so much that she launched the Candy Love collection for December 8th. It consists of a choker and 2 types of earrings, pendants and non-pendants, both silver and gold, with a pendant formed by 2 Candy Canes joined together to form the heart of A-MORE decorated with glitter.
Candy Canes are sticks that are now found in all flavors but the original Candy Canes were made only from water and sugar. The most reliable story on the origin of these sweets dates back to 1670 when the music master of the choir of Cologne cathedral, in Germany, began to give sticks of sugar to the younger students to keep them quiet during the show. To justify the presence of candies during a sacred celebration, he folded them into the shape of a stick, so that they would recall the shepherds of the nativity.
How did you decorate your Christmas tree this year?